Writing Rules
You can submit your studies to the Journal of Clinical and Mental Health Psychological Counseling in either Turkish or English. A long abstract in English is required for studies prepared in Turkish.
Manuscripts sent to the Journal can be prepared in Microsoft Word format as free submission. If the manuscript is accepted during the review process, professional page layout is prepared.
The Editorial Board of the Journal does not bring any page or word number limitations to manuscripts. However, the Editorial Board can recommend the manuscript be shortened without losing its quality.
Each manuscript should include the following titles in the order indicated:
Title (English)
The title of the study should reflect the content clearly and be comprehensive. Except for the linkers, each word should be capitalized.
It should clearly reflect the aim of the study, its method (research design, sampling, measurement tools used, data analysis) and highlighted results. It should be structured to consist of at least 250 words.
Minimum 3, maximum 5 keywords that reflect the whole study should be identified.
In the introduction, a detailed examination of the literature should be carried out, and it should be clearly revealed which gap this study aims to fill within the field and its original value. The importance of the research, the general aim of the research and its sub-goals or hypotheses should be clearly stated.
Type of research, population/study group/sample, validity and reliability criteria (internal and external validity) of the research design used, data collection tools, data collection techniques, process (relevant ethics committee approval, the researchers make their statements that they have obtained consent from the participants while collecting data during the research process. and the analysis of the data should be explained in the method section.
Findings should be written in a way that preserves the integrity of the study in accordance with the order of the sub-goals or hypotheses of the study.
Discussion and Suggestion
Findings obtained from the research should be discussed in light of the relevant literature. Conclusion, limitations of the research, suggestions related to theory and practice should be written in the discussion and suggestion section, too.
Those people or institutions who were of little help in the shaping of the study should be acknowledged.
References should be prepared according to APA 7 – Citation Guide. The in-text references should be given in a way that accords with the language of the full text. For Turkish manuscripts, Turkish referencing guidelines, and for English manuscripts, English referencing guidelines should be considered.
Font family is Palatino Linotype and line spacing is 3nk. Indentation should start under the 4th letter.
Additional tables, graphics and pictures should be given on a separate page after the references. Each appendix should be numbered as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ... and each appendix should have a separate title.
If there are Acknowledgements and Additional Information these should be given under main titles like Introduction or Method.
Results, Discussion and Suggestions could be given under the same title or separately.
Tables and Figures
Authors should pay attention to the template of the examples given in the Template for the titles of Tables and Diagrams and text properties.
12 nk space before and after Tables and Diagrams
Tables and their titles, Font size: 10
Table and its number, Bold. E.g.: Table 1. Table Title
If the diagram is a graphic and editable, the title and internal text should have a font size of 10.
Diagram and its number, Bold. E.g.: Figure 1/Diagram 1. Figure/Diagram Title
If the diagrams include a picture or a visual that cannot be edited it should be transferred into Word with 300 DPI resolution and the original diagram should be uploaded via Upload Supplementary Files in the 4th step of Submitting a Manuscript.